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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Kindle Fire

I got a kindle fire for my 21st birthday from my father, and I have to say it's quite a gadget. However regarding typography the reason I bring up this tablet is because reading on it is so fantastic. I didn't realize that changing a font for a book I am reading can make it so much greater. With the kindle fire, I am able to change the line spacing, the point size, the background color and even the type face. The type faces included in the kindle are Georgia, Caecilia, Trebuchet, Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman, Courier and Lucida. This gives a good amount of options for the reader, and gives the reader the choice of Serif fonts or Sans Serif Fonts. I have to say the more I use the kindle, the more I love it, and being able to choose the font and size of the font makes reading all the better for me.

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