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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

City Logos

I found this on It first caught my eye because I saw the logo for San Francisco. It was so simple, however I felt the artist (Amanda Macedo) did an incredible job of her use of color, symbols and type. I don’t know how to explain in typographical language however I felt the type she used for each city fit perfectly as well. The bold and strong type for Chicago, and the curved and slender lettering for Los Angeles, as an example.


  1. I wouldn't have thought that this was that amazing until I went to the link and saw the other cities as well. I agree that the typography captures the feeling of each city perfectly. I really thought so when I saw the ad for Honolulu. I wouldn't have thought of using that font, but it fit with the laid back lifestyle that I am used to. I guess the simplicity of these ads brings out the meaning behind the fonts even more. Great find!

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  3. I like your selection, Mr typographical selector. I believe you will do well in the field. Stay strong and thrive.
    - Cartel
